Monday, April 27, 2009

- Encore -

I went to Encore Show just now. Presented by MMUSIC Society, tribute to the first charity concert that have been held last year. Even though it was held only at clcr A2 (for those at mmu melaka surely will know) but it was good enough following the crowd that attend. Well, i also brougth the ticket on last minute before the show, did not plan to go, but since that most of the comity are my friends and they invite, why not. Its my last month also in here.
Azhan and Friends

Coming a bit late, and i miss the first performance. When i enter Azhan n Friends already perform. Azhan are my classmate in networking class last two year. Follow by a hip hop singer call Caprice. Me exactly don't know these guys, i come only to see azhan and Flop Poppy. The next band called Pleague of Happiness, a ska band just playing a loud sound of music and jumping around. So weird for me, i don't understand a bit what they sing. Next a band called Moody of Mind, they guitarist, Jep my friends on football team. Caprice

After that a group of singer perform. First a black guy called U.B sing Celion Dion, my heart will go on. Its a bit funny, but he sing it well. U.B sing with lyrics on his hand. lol

Then, one female singer name Ana Raffali sing. She sing a bit country song with a Cello (thanks ill =).. Nice. Ana Rafalli

Then the main show, Flop Poppy come to take the stage. Even only two member are performing unplugged, its still enjoyable. Since that they playing most of their hist song, most crowd sing along with it. First song are Aku dan Kamu, followed by Atas Nama Cinta, Rest of My Life, and Cinta.


  1. abg fairuz...yg tuh bkn violin tp cello.
    pembetulan k.aha.
    violin is smaller den dat one.

  2. Cello, yes. betull. saya mmg tak tau. main letak je violin. hahaa, thanks utk pembetulan. :)

  3. huhuhu~
    abg fairuz g encore show..
    amacam, happening x?
