Assalamualaikum w.b.k
Note: This is my travel journal dated from 12 October till 15 October 2009 located at Kinabalu Mountain, Sabah, Malaysia.
Well, everything started almost a year ago, when i just finished my International Expedition to Syria with Malays Cultural and Language Society. At that time i already step down from my position of Clubs President and decided to slow down on my curricular, but the feeling to get something new still eager and it have always been my dream to step my foot on Kinabalu since i enter my university life. So, after talk with several friends, few agree to join me and make this thing happen. And the rest is history... heeehe Before it, maybe its better i put down a few information about Mount Kinabalu. Mount Kinabalu is a prominent mountain in Southeast Asia. It is located in Kinabalu National Park (a World Heritage Site) in the east Malaysian state of Sabah, which is on the island of Borneo in the tropics. It is the tallest mountain in the Malay Archipelago. In 1997, a re-survey using satellite technology established its summit (known as Low’s Peak) height at 4,095 metres (13,435 ft) above sea level, which is some 6 metres (20 ft) less than the previously thought and hitherto published figure of 4,101 metres (13,455 ft).
The mountain and its surroundings are among the most important biological sites in the world, with over 600 species of ferns, 326 species of birds, and 100 mammalian species identified. Among them are the gigantic Rafflesia plants and the orangutan. Mount Kinabalu has been accorded UNESCO World Heritage status. The main peak of the mountain (Low's Peak) can be climbed easily by a person with a good physical condition, and requires no mountaineering equipment. Other peaks along the massif, however, require rock climbing skills.
Back to the story, my travel was accompany with two of my friends, Zakwan called zack, and khairul anwar called K A (spell it with two letter different). Well, zack was the ex-president of Rovers, and K A was ex-President of Silat Club. So these 3 ex-presidents start our journey. Me myself depart from kuala kangsar by bus on sunday 11 october at 4.30pm, decided to meet them at Low Cost Currier Terminal (LCCT) KL around 11pm. But i meet zack at KL Sentral on 9.30pm and had dinner there. After that we take the AeroBus that depart straight to LCCT from KL Sentral. So we spend all the night at LCCT because our flight are schedule tomorrow at 6.50am. Lucikly there no trouble and we take off to Kinabalu International Airport on time. On flight all of us were exhausted and straving because we forget to take our breakfast before check in. heehe, even though we sleep at MacD that night. Upon arrival At Kinabalu International Airport, our local contack Mr. Steven was already wait. We take the ride and go to One Borneo Shopping Compleks. Steven said it was the biggest shopping compleks in Borneo island in this time. So, we take our Brunch (Breakfast and Lunch) there, and meet with our driver that will take us to Kinabalu Park at 11pm. Well the journey is quite interesting because we pass sevaral villages and the road are jumping-jumping with going up and down from one hill to other hills. We stop by at one rest place, im not remember the name, but we stop there there because from there, we can see one waterfall at the back. Here the picture.
The mountain and its surroundings are among the most important biological sites in the world, with over 600 species of ferns, 326 species of birds, and 100 mammalian species identified. Among them are the gigantic Rafflesia plants and the orangutan. Mount Kinabalu has been accorded UNESCO World Heritage status. The main peak of the mountain (Low's Peak) can be climbed easily by a person with a good physical condition, and requires no mountaineering equipment. Other peaks along the massif, however, require rock climbing skills.
Back to the story, my travel was accompany with two of my friends, Zakwan called zack, and khairul anwar called K A (spell it with two letter different). Well, zack was the ex-president of Rovers, and K A was ex-President of Silat Club. So these 3 ex-presidents start our journey. Me myself depart from kuala kangsar by bus on sunday 11 october at 4.30pm, decided to meet them at Low Cost Currier Terminal (LCCT) KL around 11pm. But i meet zack at KL Sentral on 9.30pm and had dinner there. After that we take the AeroBus that depart straight to LCCT from KL Sentral. So we spend all the night at LCCT because our flight are schedule tomorrow at 6.50am. Lucikly there no trouble and we take off to Kinabalu International Airport on time. On flight all of us were exhausted and straving because we forget to take our breakfast before check in. heehe, even though we sleep at MacD that night. Upon arrival At Kinabalu International Airport, our local contack Mr. Steven was already wait. We take the ride and go to One Borneo Shopping Compleks. Steven said it was the biggest shopping compleks in Borneo island in this time. So, we take our Brunch (Breakfast and Lunch) there, and meet with our driver that will take us to Kinabalu Park at 11pm. Well the journey is quite interesting because we pass sevaral villages and the road are jumping-jumping with going up and down from one hill to other hills. We stop by at one rest place, im not remember the name, but we stop there there because from there, we can see one waterfall at the back. Here the picture.
I not remember what time when we arrive at the Kinabalu Park, but i guess it still afternoon. Just some cloudy day and make the wheather feel really different to me. I snap a few pic in front of the receptionist office with the big sign of the travel route up to the mountain. We talk about the route later. After check in, we straight to our accomodation, which is only a dormitory with 6 bed inside. We were greet by the dorm keeper which is a girl wearing a nice scout uniform with and FBI vest. Its really funny when we just keep calling the girl with FBI girls. We dont know what the real meening of FBI, so we keep guessing till day. After have a bit rest, we met one american gut named Mike, he greet us and have a little chat. He look strange and the way he talk also strange. He was alone and planning to climb the moutain by his own. Yet until he meet the Park Authorities about the rules and then he decide to follow our trip tomorrow.
Afterthat 3 of us, take a little hiking around the park before we have our dinner at 6pm. Well, in Sabah, all the time, it was one hour earlier then the peninsula time.
We Spend almost 3 hour at the cafe, eating and eating for tomorrow energy reserve. haaha, and then go straight to dorm and have a crystal dreams.
End of first day, tomorrow the journey to climb the mountain start..
End of first day, tomorrow the journey to climb the mountain start..
Wake up earlier in morning to chase our breakfast. We have been told to wait our travel guide at 8am in front of the receptionist, breakfast have been serve at 6.30am and not to forget to pickup our lunched pack after breakfast. Picture above taken after breakfast while waiting for our guide, quite lucky that day there is no fog or clouds at the Kinabalu summit, so we have a clear picture from the view. At least tomorrow i know where we headed.
still in progress..
wahhh...cikgu naik gunung kinabalu..nape x bwk anak murid skali cikgu?? :)