Assalamualaikum w.b.k dan salam sejahtera rakan rakan..
First off all saya nak bagitau yang saya akhirnya telah GRADUATE, setelah setahun tersangkut Grad jugak.. ahahaha,, ketawa kesyukuran.. so secara rasminya skrang jadik pencari kerja dan telah berjaya menambahkan statistik kadar pengangguran di Malaysia..
in last post i mentioned to upload the picture for my brother wedding at my own house. Ya i did snap the picture, tapi gambar2 tu semue ada pada tuan empunya camera, that mean my abg sedare yang akan compilekan dan buat album for the picture. so kene tunggu lamela sket..
in the same time, as i also mentioned on last post, he did invite me to join him to snap other wedding picture. Dan as penanam anggur terhormat, saya ikut jela, at least boleh belajar camne nak snap great picture. so last weeek kiteorg gi snap pic dekat Kg. Ulu Piol, Manong, Perak. Best, aand we did a good job there, so mase tengah balik tu, my abg sedare said, die nak bukak kedai and became a full time photographer dan buat business. Tapi he need partner sebab customer byk and die tak bleh handle sengsorg. So he offer me to join venture with him.. So what do you all think.???
Exatcly last two week, i got interview call from HSBC Securities Services at Bursa KL di KL, and i did go there for the interview. Faham2 lah kan, bdk grad IT (Ai) interview untuk banking and customer services, mmg la aku bleh hafal term2 mortgage, derivatives, stoke market, trust unit and several other ni kan.. hahaha,, so i think i just need to pass the chance. Still got several interview call from other coompany, tapi tah la cam tak berminat. sbb kdg2 sy terfikir yang klu sy amek job mcm tu takut nnt i did not get the life as i wanted. mmg la the pay is good, tapi i grow in campus with lot of friends, i means in society, so hidup kerja cam tunggul nnt takut aku sendiri yang tak bleh tahan lak. kan kan..
Last sunday my uncle that work at PPD, Pej. Pendidikann Daerah ooffer me to became GSTT - Guru Sandaran Tak Terlatih. For short time, i think i will take the chance.. KPLI plak dah nak tambah kursus dari 6 bulan ke setahun setengah.. adoi aii...
Offer kerja banyak, tapi the only prob is i did not go for convocation yet, so i didn't have the scroll. So byk perkara tersangkut, contohnye, i got chance to get a position as lecturer at Kolej Islam Darul Ridzuan, tapi sbb takde scroll i have to wait till i get it. sokene tunggu 2 bulan la lg before betul2 bleh dpt career yg menjamin mase depan..
so far in my minds, nak tinggal di kuala kangsar je la, dapat kerje jadi goverment servent pn ok. ade part time jadi photographer pn masyuk gak. Boleh bermasyarakat dan berbakti utk org kampung blik.. so kene cari calon pn dekat2 sini je la nampaknyer, hehee n_n ... we'll see what happen then.